What are Bird Garglers?

Derived from a combination of colonial American earthenware bird houses called "bird bottles" and medieval gargoyles, Bird GarglersTM are my own hybrid creations.
The French verb "gargariser" means "to gargle." It is believed to be the root word for "gargoyle," the term for the water spouts that adorn medieval cathedrals and castles. In the same way gargoyles gargle water, my whimsical Bird GarglersTM appear to gargle birds. With all of the activity of the birds nesting, mating, and caring for the hatchlings in the "throats of the beasts," it seems as if the creatures are, indeed, gargling birds.
Each Bird GarglerTM is made with the birds in mind as much as the bird enthusiast with a sense of humor.

photo by Rick Bryan
photo by Rick Bryan